Thanks for the recognition -> I was included in the LH Top 50 Project Management Leaders of 2022 List
Many of my students have told me that key to their success on the PMP test was the Premium PMP Exam Simulator, from OSP Int’l. As an OSP Affiliate, I am able to offer Gift Codes on the first 6 products (BELOW) FOR THE PMI-ACP 1) Premium PMI-ACP Exam Simulator Gift Code: jf-acpsim ($10 off) [...]
1) 12 Podcasts from Cornelius Fichtner that can ALL help you boost your PMP score (Free) Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM, President & Founder of OSP Int'l Part 1: The PMI/PMP Mindset Part 2: The Agile Mindset Part 3: The Exam-Taking Mindset The Agile Manifesto Episode #477 - Project [...]
1) My Next PMP Prep Class For NYU Spring 2022 Starting March 6 (Seven Sundays, 9:00 - 3:00, by Zoom) 2) The 50 PMP Exam Prep Questions Everyone Gets Wrong, by Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM More PMP Prep Tools From Cornelius Fichtner / OSP Int’l (#3, #4, #5, #6 below) 3) The PMP Exam Simulator, from OSP Int’l o My [...]
Here are 3 Gift Codes for the PMI-ACP test-prep products: 1) PMI-ACP Simulator Gift Code: jf-ACPSIM ($10 off) 2) Agile Prepcast (BASIC) Gift Code: jf-AGILEbasic ($10 off) 3) Agile Prepcast (ELITE) Gift Code: jf-AGILEelite ($25 off) YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE TO SEE: 3 Gift Codes For OSP’s P M P [...]
Cornelius Fichtner, President of OSP Int’l To help people pass the new PMP Exam 2021, OSP International (Cornelius Fichtner’s company) has come out with 2 new products: 1) The PMP Exam Simulator 2021 (2,100 practice questions!) and 2) The Project Management Prepcast 2021 (PMP Prep course: video format) 3 Gift Codes below: [...]
1-Minute-Video.PairsBook.JeffFurman.June2.2021 I’ve been teaching PMP Prep for NYU and the US Army for the past 11 years. Many of my students have credited one of my classroom activities for helping them pass their PMP: “Analyze The Keywords In Pairs.” I put this activity into a new eBook: Boost Your PMP Score: Learn The Keywords [...]
Image borrowed from The new PMP Exam is 50% Agile. This means that to pass the test, it’s necessary to learn as much Scrum Agile as you can, as well as some other flavors of Agile, especially Kanban, plus some Lean and XP. More than just learning facts about Agile Methodologies, it’s [...]
To help you pass the new PMP Exam-2021, the new 2nd Edition of my Kindle book: Boost Your PMP Score: Learn The Keywords In Sets Now with hundreds of the Agile keywords you need to know to pass the PMP Exam-2021 (& PMI-ACP). Just $2.99 on Amazon.
This article is valuable for everyone considering the PMI-ACP certification. It was a group effort led by the PM Prepcast Team. The article includes 7 sections on the 7 Agile Domains, each written by a different ACP (my section was Domain II: Value-Driven Delivery). Article Link: PMI-ACP(R) Exam Outline Explained by Agile Certified Practitioners 7 DOMAINS [...]