My new LiveStream Podcast with Cornelius Fichtner: “Boost Your PMP Score” (Episode #460 of The PM Podcast)

//My new LiveStream Podcast with Cornelius Fichtner: “Boost Your PMP Score” (Episode #460 of The PM Podcast)

My new LiveStream Podcast with Cornelius Fichtner: “Boost Your PMP Score” (Episode #460 of The PM Podcast)

Here is the link to my new Project Management Podcast Episode #460, where I was interviewed by Cornelius Fichtner (via StreamYard) about my new Kindle work-book:

Boost Your PMP Score: Learn The Keywords In Sets.

The book shares my classroom activity that has helped a great many of my students pass their PMP Exam: Reviewing the many keywords in logical pairs.

How this book will help you on your PMP test

There were more than 1,000 keywords to know for the PMP Exam. Many more were just added in January, with the addition of Agile methodologies.

And many go together IN PAIRS

  • Some are synonyms…
  • Some are antonyms…
  • But the toughest for the test are those that sound similar, but are very different, like:

Total Float and Free Float


Resource Leveling and Resource Smoothing.

My book shares a technique that has helped a great many of my students pass their PMP: reviewing and analyzing the keywords in logical pairs.

The more you know the pairs, the faster you’ll be on your PMP Exam…. With more time to focus on what the questions are really asking.


  • This technique is designed for working on your own (self-study).
  • But it also works very well working with a study-buddy, or study group (Zoom!)

You might also like to see these PMP Tools + Gift Codes below

(from OSP International)

1. The PMP Exam Simulator 2021

Gift Code: jf-pmpsim2021 ($40 off)

2. The PMI-ACP Exam Simulator 2021

Gift Code: jf-ACPSIM ($10 Off)

3. The Agile Prepcast 2021 Basic

Gift Code: jf-AGILEbasic ($10 off)

4. The Agile Prepcast 2021 Elite

Gift Code: jf-AGILEelite ($25 off)

By | 2021-02-12T05:13:27-05:00 February 12th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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