Pass Your PMI-ACP — 3 Gift Codes (for the Simulator & Prepcast, OSP Int’l)

Here are 3 Gift Codes for the PMI-ACP test-prep products: 1)  PMI-ACP Simulator      http://nanacast.com/vp/10004116/253305/      Gift Code: jf-ACPSIM ($10 off) 2) Agile Prepcast (BASIC)      http://nanacast.com/vp/108394/253305/      Gift Code: jf-AGILEbasic ($10 off) 3)  Agile Prepcast (ELITE)        http://nanacast.com/vp/108394/253305/        Gift Code: jf-AGILEelite ($25 off) YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE TO SEE: 3 Gift Codes For OSP’s  P M P [...]

By | 2021-06-29T15:03:02-04:00 June 28th, 2021|Agile, CAPM, NYCScrum, PMI-ACP, Scrum|0 Comments

VIDEO: How my new eBook can help you pass your PMP-2021

1-Minute-Video.PairsBook.JeffFurman.June2.2021 I’ve been teaching PMP Prep for NYU and the US Army for the past 11 years.  Many of my students have credited one of my classroom activities  for helping them pass their PMP: “Analyze The Keywords In Pairs.”  I put this activity into a new eBook: Boost Your PMP Score: Learn The Keywords [...]

By | 2021-06-02T14:12:39-04:00 June 2nd, 2021|PMP|0 Comments

New Article about the PMI-ACP: Written by 7 ACP-Certified PMs (including me!)

This article is valuable for everyone considering the PMI-ACP certification. It was a group effort led by the PM Prepcast Team.  The article includes 7 sections on the 7 Agile Domains, each written by a different ACP (my section was Domain II: Value-Driven Delivery). Article Link: PMI-ACP(R) Exam Outline Explained by Agile Certified Practitioners 7 DOMAINS [...]

By | 2020-11-23T18:29:10-05:00 November 16th, 2020|PMI-ACP, PMP, Uncategorized|0 Comments

#3 in NEW SERIES: Final Advice To PMP Test-Takers Before Jan 2021. “Taking your PMI test from home? A few Tips & Gotchas”

The OPT option (Online Proctored Test) is now available for 3 PMI certification exams: PMP, CAPM & PMI-ACP. I took my PMI-ACP exam from home recently and I wanted to share a few tips from my experience, plus a few more from my PMP students testing from home during the quarantine. 1) "No Talking!” [...]

By | 2020-12-12T09:24:56-05:00 August 4th, 2020|PMI-ACP, PMP|0 Comments

I just passed my PMI-ACP Certification Exam (Here’s how YOU can too!)

1) I just passed my PMI-ACP Certification Exam    (Agile Certified Practitioner) The PMI-ACP is like the PMP For Agile. It will look good on your resume.  And studying for it is a great way to learn a lot about the latest-and-greatest Agile tools. 2) Which Agile disciplines is the PMI-ACP based on? The ACP is based mainly on 4 of [...]

By | 2020-09-23T13:08:18-04:00 July 30th, 2020|NYU PMP, Uncategorized|0 Comments

A great next step after your PMP: the PMI-ACP certification (July Gift Code for the PMI-ACP Simulator)

A great next step for PMPs is to add PMI's ACP Certification (Agile Certified Professional) to your resume. And here's a great tool to help you prepare: the PMI-ACP Exam Simulator, from OSP Intl. You can use the following Link & Gift Code: LINK: http://nanacast.com/vp/10004116/253305/ GIFT CODE: Jul19 (will lower the price at checkout from [...]

By | 2019-07-04T20:00:08-04:00 July 4th, 2019|NYU PMP|0 Comments

Upcoming Events For Project Managers – February (NYC)

1. PMI NYC February Chapter Meeting  Topic: "Project Management 2.0" Day/Date/Time: Wednesday, February 20, 5:30 Speaker: John Bower Location: SUNY Global Center, 116 East 55th Street John Bower 2. NYC Scrum February Meet-Up World Retrospective Day Topic:   "World Retrospective Day" Day/Date/Time: Wednesday, Feb. 27 Location: Lifion, by ADP, 135 West 18th Street 3. LeSS [...]

By | 2019-02-28T03:37:36-05:00 January 27th, 2019|NYU PMP|0 Comments