Going for your PMP? Top 10 Reasons To Buy “The Project Management Answer Book”

///Going for your PMP? Top 10 Reasons To Buy “The Project Management Answer Book”

Going for your PMP? Top 10 Reasons To Buy “The Project Management Answer Book”

“The Project Management Answer Book” will help you increase your knowledge and get your PMP, as it has for many Project Managers in the U.S. and around the world.

It was recently named one of the Top 10 Books Every Project Manager Should Have In His Or Her Collectionby Bright Hub and has also received very positive reviews from: PM World Today and the American Society for the Advancement of Project Management. 



Author Jeff Furman has been interviewed about the book for GovLoop, PM Lessons Learned, igTV (InfraGard TV), for The Project Management Podcast by host Cornelius Fichtner, and by well-known author and blogger Elizabeth Harrin for three of her blogs: A Girl’s Guide To Project Management, Talking Work, and The Money Files (on Gantthead.com).

Here is a quick summary of the book’s Top 10 Benefits / Advantages:

1. Q&A Format – It’s  the ONLY current (PMBOK 4) PMP book in Q&A format (easy-to-navigate, easy-to-read)

2. Double Value – It’s BOTH a Practitioner’s Guide and a PMP Prep Book

3. Contains hundreds of hands-on tips to help PMs immediately on-the-job

4.  Author is a highly-experienced PM – 15 years managing many successful IT projects for Fortune 500 financial companies in the NYC area

5. Author is a highly-experienced PMP Prep Instructor – he has taught more than 85 weeks of PM classes and trained more than 550 PMs for private industry, Federal government (FBI, NIH, US Army), and for more than 20 NYC government agencies

7.  Collective experience of more than 500 PMs – The book contains a robust set of best practices and tips shared by the more than 500 PMs Jeff trained in NYC, Washington DC, and around the U.S. before writing the book.

8. Advanced chapters not found in other PM books: a Leadership chapter, a chapter on Social Media For PMs, instructions on completing the PMP application, a list of certifications related to the PMP readers may be eligible for, and a highly-detailed chapter on Ethics For Project Managers (very timely since the increased focus on Ethics on the PMP Exam effective Aug. 31, 2011!)

9.  Reviews and Endorsements – Jeff has received many kudos, testimonials, and endorsements for the book and for his classes.  To view kudos about the book, go to: Reviews. To view his Linkedin Endorsements, go to Endorsements

10. With a foreword by… best-selling PMP author Andy Crowe, PMP/PgMP!


Jeff at the “New Title Showcase” at Book Expo America 2011 (photo by his wife, Martha)

By | 2017-06-17T18:12:37-04:00 October 19th, 2011|Books|2 Comments

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  1. mca projects in chennai October 20, 2011 at 6:46 am - Reply

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  2. PMP Certification Class October 23, 2011 at 2:37 am - Reply

    Reasons described are really worthy to buy the book. Liked reading it.

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